California Off-Road Vehicle Association
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  • September 29, 2024 10:20 AM | Bruce Brazil (Administrator)

    The CORVA October Monthly ZOOM Meeting is scheduled for Oct. 28, 2024 at 7:00pm. 

  • September 09, 2024 11:47 AM | Bruce Brazil (Administrator)

    The September CORVA monthly ZOOM meeting is September 23, 2024.  It starts at 7:00pm.

  • August 13, 2024 4:38 PM | Bruce Brazil (Administrator)

    The August CORVA monthly ZOOM meeting is Aug. 26, 2024.  It starts at 7:00pm. 

  • July 22, 2024 7:00 PM | Bruce Brazil (Administrator)

    The CORVA July monthly ZOOM meeting is July 22, 2024.  It starts at 7:00pm.

  • June 11, 2024 3:31 PM | Bruce Brazil (Administrator)

    The June CORVA monthly meeting will be on June 24th.

  • May 30, 2024 12:30 PM | CORVA Administrator (Administrator)

    CORVA: Keeping Public Land Open FOR The People, and Not FROM The People

    Reference Document

    California Natural Resources Agency

    The Department of Natural Resources released a new Climate Change Policy, called "California's Nature-Based Solutions Climate Targets ": This is the follow-up to the 30x30 Initiative, because the Natural Resources know that they are close to reaching the 30x30 targets. If Natural Resources acutally considers all the citizen-based conservation reports that have been submitted to be calculated, the stated goals for the 30x30 Initiative would have be met. At this point in time, the CNRA considers 24.41% of the total landmass of the state to be conserved. To keep the conservation efforts moving forward DNR has now defined the next steps as part of the Climate Targets document (linked above). For OHV access, the problems lie with the last goal listed on page 4; " Reducing soil disturbance and removing invasive species in deserts protects existing carbon stores and builds resilience to climate impacts, such as wildfire, drought, and flooding." Increasing targets are identified starting in 2030 through 2045 to achieve carbon neutrality. The preparation of the document was mandated by statute (AB 1757 2022) but the actions associated with the policy are not currently mandated by statute. Expect a bill to be introduced next year that will incorporate the proposals in the document and when passed. ORVLC's lobbying group, the Smith Policy Group, has included CORVA in a group generally opposed to the criteria in this document and serving as a watchdog group. We find ourselves working together with like-minded individuals in the hunting and sportsmen's community. The pertinent question to ask is how the state will afford the dramatic changes called for in the new report, With a budget deficit growing by the day, the ability of the state to pay for any additional climate solutions has greatly diminished. Cal MAtters has delved into the issues in the following article; California climate programs would lose billions in Newsom's budget. Legislators are looking to introduce a November bond measure to help fund programs that will not be funded or will see cuts in the Governor's budget. Two months ago, Cal Matters reported that California is not on track to meet the current climate mandates:

    Part of the proposed solutions include continuing to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire, which is being done by the California Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force. Read the May Report to the Governor here: Most of the work undertaken with this task force doesn't affect OHV opportunities, and may actually help remove dead and dying trees from our campground, trails and areas. The central California forests, including the Sequoia, Sierra and Stanislaus National Forests, have been greatly affected by bark beetles, an infestation that was exacerbated during the drought years. The next meeting of the Task Force will be held in Sacramento on July 12th, and I plan to attend in person.

    CNRA supported the recent presidential proclamations expanding both the Berryessa Snow National Monument and the San Gabriel National Monuments by a total of 120,000 acres. The addition of over 105,000 acres to the San Gabriel National Monument will require a new management plan, but since a management plan has not yet been finalized for the Berryessa Snow National Monument, this land will be added to the developing plan. The Governor's press release about the additions to the National Monuments: national-monument-expansions-bring-california-closer-to-conservation-milestone/.

    Central Valley Water Board

    The Central Valley Water Board has issued new proposed regulations for non-point source pollution management for recreation activities on Forest Service lands. This is a continuation of a proposal from 2011, and I've attached the comments CORVA helped develop at that time. These will be used to inform the comments for the current proposal.

    Department of Parks and Recreation

    On May 15th and 16th the OHMVR Commission met for a tour at Oceano Dunes SVRA and a meeting at the South County Regional Center in Arroyo Grande. Sincere thanks to Misty Sanders for letting me ride in her Jeep and experience her amazing driving skills, and for Shea Sanders for his excellent company. Bruce Whitcher joined us at the meeting on Thursday, and CORVA was well represented. The recording of the meeting can be found here: state discussed how the park has achieved the goals in the Stipulated Order of Abatement, with Gary Willey, Executive Director of the SLO County Air Pollution Control District speaking to the attendees of the tour. There's no question that the conditions at Oceano Dunes SVRA are some of the most complicated and heartbreaking of any issues facing OHV recreational access in California. Friends of Oceano Dunes understands the issues from the inside out, and represents the community and passionately conveys the frustration of off-roaders at every opportunity. There are possibilities that were presented during the tour, including reopening the bird exclosure seasonally, and restoring access to the area to off-roaders for 5 months out of the year, from October 1 to March 1. This is currently being analyzed. There are no plans for any additional closures, but experiencing how the vegetative islands have changed travel in the dunes is sobering. There are many questions that the state still needs to answer, including excess expenditures and lack of sufficient camping areas.

    The next OHMVR Workshop and Meeting will be held in the San Diego area. The 3rd OHV Safety Summit will be held on July 31st, and will be a noticed OHMVR Commission workshop, which means that all the commissioners may attend. The OHMVR Commission meeting will be held the following day on August 1st. Currently the workshop and meeting is planned for the Coronado Island Marriott Resort and Spa: Marriott Coronado Island. Until this meeting is noticed, however, the hotel is subject to change. I will inform the board should any changes be considered. The next OHMVR Commission meeting and tour is currently planned to be held near Carnegie SVRA, as the Carnegie General Plan should be completed and ready for a vote by the OHMVR Commission. This is one of the few responsibilities left for the commission. CORVA made substantive comments on the Carnegie General Plan. The final plan should be released to the public prior to the commission meeting.

    The funding for the OHV Trust Fund Grants has been restored in the Governor's May Revise, released May 10th. Originally, only $1 million was allocated for the grants; now an additional $29 million has been added for a total of $30 million in available funding. Public comment on the proposed grants was closed on May 6th, and the intent to award will be announced in early June. The Recreational Trails Program Citizen's Advisory Group will be meeting in June. Bruce Whitcher and I are both members of the RTP Committee where I have served as vice-Chair for many years.

    The OHV Trust is in trouble, as revenues continue to fall. At one time, the OHV Trust Fund was flush with funds, but since the pandemic years, gas tax revenues have been lower. Approximately 83% of the revenues in the OHV Trust Fund come from the percentage of gas calculated to be used while engaging in off-road activities. It is a percentage of the total gas taxes collected by the state, transferred into the OHV Trust Fund. There was a bill passed in 2012 (Simitian) that mandated that $83,333 must be redirected from the OHV Trust Fund and instead be deposited into California's General Fund, for a total of $10 million a year. This was done during the recession years when 70 parks were proposed for closure because of the lack of funding, and it has continued until today, regardless of the fact that State Parks are now well funded by SB1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. The OHV Trust fund does receive approximately $1 million from SB1 as well, but it is a drop in the bucket compared to state parks funding. In the beginning of 202 before the pandemic CORVA presented an expose about the misuse of funds from the OHV Trust Fund because of the mixed districts. Non-OHV State Parks are not correctly reporting the percentage of time they either engage in non-SVRA activities or reimburse the fund for borrowed equipment from SVRA's. Now that we know the problem, we can continue addressing the problem.

    The week of May 17th there was a fatality at Carnegie SVRA of a well-known motorcycle designer and builder. It appears that he passed away from natural causes. The Redsticker Season has ended at all the SVRA's. Next year at this time there will no longer be a red-sticker season, as all pre-2022 redsticker bikes can be ridden year round in all areas of California. There are no new closures at any of the SVRA's.

    Forest Service

    The OSV plan has been released for the Tahoe National Forest to much disappointment from the snowmobile community. I have met with Deputy Regional Forester/Recreation Jody Holzworth about the OSV plan, and we are looking at continuing conversations that also include board member Kevin Bazar. Kevin and I are also coordinating on OSV signage that will be installed in California forests that have completed their OSV Travel Management Plans. We are also working with Jody Holzworth on a proposed OHV Recreation Roundtable to increase communications between off-roaders and the Forest Service. I have also met with Statewide OHV Coordinator Jamie Fields, and will continue conversations about expanding OHV access on Forest Service land. The Forest Service is going to institute a travel prohibition starting in July 2024, which will eliminate the ability for Jamie to travel and get to know us better, so we will have to use Zoom and Teams to keep engaging the agency.

    The Inyo National Forest has released the Draft Environmental Assessment for the Coyote Flat OHV Area. It's an interesting plan, and I participated last night in the Zoom meeting the Forest Service held explaining the proposed plan. It calls for restoring some areas, and closing a couple of trails due to recent endangered species listings: Coyote Flat OHV Area Recreation Enhancement Proposal. The inyo works very closely with a large group of OHV volunteers that do maintenance work in the forest. From the Zoom meeting, it was unclear whether the local community supports this proposal in its entirety, CORVA will work with local members and submit substantive comments.


    The new BLM Conservation Rule: BLM Conservation Rule has significant opposition. HR 3397, which would require the Director of the BLM to withdraw the conservation rule, passed the house on a vote of 212 - 202 on APril 30th, 2024. Undoubtedly, the rule will be taken to court, with the Cattlemen's Association so far leading the way, according to my information. I have an upcoming meeting next week with Shane Garside, the Acting OHV Statewide Coordinator.


    Please see the latest bill tracker here: ORVLC Bill Tracker.

    The competition bill, SB 708 (Jones) is set for a hearing on June 11th at the Assembly Water Parks and Wildlife Committee. ORVLC will submit a letter in support.

    SB 903, a bill proposed to eliminate PFA's in California and opposed by the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association has died.

    Important Dates

    May 28th: Recreate Responsibly California

    May 28th: CORVA BOD Zoom Meeting

    May 29th: SEMA California Legislative Rally webinar

    May 29th: OSV Signage meeting, Tread Lightly!

    May 31st: Meeting BLM OHV Coordinator, Shane Garside

    June 5th: SEMA California Legislative Rally

    June 6th: BLM Northern California Resource advisory Council Meeting

    June 17th: Washington OHV Meeting

    June 18th: Carnegie Advisory Meeting

    Amy Granat
    Managing Director
    California Off-Road Vehicle Association

  • April 30, 2024 12:41 PM | CORVA Administrator (Administrator)

    CORVA: Keeping Public Land Open FOR The People, and Not FROM The People

    Reference Documents:

    Bureau of Land Management

    One of the most significant issues with the BLM occurred this past week with the release of the 'Conservation Rule". The Press Release from the Department of the Interior can be found here: The substantive comments CORVA filed last year in response to the draft Conservation Rule are attached and were filed June 2023. The purpose of the rule is to add 'conservation' as a use of public land, in addition to other uses defined by Congress in the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA, as amended, 2016): By way of understanding the consequences of the recently adopted Conservation Rule, FLPMA was approved and passed by Congress. The Conservation Rule was NOT passed by COngress, nor did Congress have any say over the components of the rule. As described in the forward of FLPMA written in 2016 by former BLM Director Neil Kornze, " Our responsibilities are wide ranging. In addition to supporting the nation’s need for energy, minerals, timber, and grazing lands, we offer world-class recreational opportunities to millions of Americans who are passionate about hunting, fishing, hiking, paddling, and skiing." As opposed to this description of the BLM priorities, the elevation of restoration and conservation to the equivalency as mineral extraction and grazing defines a 'non-use'. It will also allow nonprofits and manage easements and essentially take over the management of areas they deem to be eligible for restoration. The guidelines for what is deemed conservation or restoration worthy are not defined. 

    This rule was created and specifically targeted oil and gas leases, grazing leases and other forms of mineral extraction on public land. This has been a critical talking point for environmental organizations for many years. They have accused large oil companies and agricultural interests of profiting off up-to-know inexpensive leases for use of public land. The rule was released in about a year since the draft was open for public comment, which is unheard of for rules that make large-scale changes of this type to the management of public land.  It is clear that the adoption of this rule violates FLPMA, because it bypassed Congress. There is no doubt that these large interests in the oil/gas/grazing communities will challenge the rule in court and although there will be significant legal defenses of the new rule by environmental organizations, I believe that if a lawsuit is filed in certain courts in opposition to the rule, that it will receive a fair hearing and the rule would be . There is sufficient precedence in court rulings that Congress makes the laws that define the uses of federal agencies. We should see that happen fairly quickly. Although the rule doesn't directly target OHV recreation, it could very well harm OHV recreation. Since CORVA has standing because of the submission of substantive comments, the organization could join coalitions that are very likely to form to oppose the rule. These coalitions would include entities from the previously-mentioned industries. In order to file a lawsuit, the plaintiff has to prove harm either to its business or members (in the case of an organization). OHV recreation cannot yet show harm, but oil/gas/grazing interests can show harm from the passage and adoption of the conservation rule and therefore have sufficient reason to litigate. Joining a coalition with the interests would benefit CORVA and OHV recreation. There is also a strong possibility if the administration changes in the next election cycle that this rule would be quickly discarded. 

    Congress has already taken interest in this bill,, and last year Congressman Curtis (R-Utah) introduced the WEST Act that would prohibit the BLM from enacting the Conservation Rule: 

    In assessing the immediate consequences for OHV recreation in California, most of the BLM areas in California that host permitted OHV events are in areas, such as Stoddard Wells, Johnson Valley OHV Area, Jawbone Canyon, and Fort Sage, that are already designated OHV areas. In the DRECP, Areas of Critical Environmental Concern were already designated as part of the plan, which was signed in 2016. This rule could affect the ongoing WEMO lawsuit.

    Forest Service

    The proposed Rubicon Reroute of the section of the trail passing through the Tahoe National Forest has received a lot of attention and questions. As CORVA members of the Board of Directors heard last week during the Annual Meeting from the reroute coordinator, Joe Chavez, the reroute has been extensively analyzed and deemed necessary because of the deterioration of two areas on the existing trail. Many people ask if this will change the ability of Placer County from asserting RS 2477 rights on the portion of the trail that passes through the county, but this is not the case. What the county needs to do to assert their rights for travel on the Rubicon Trail, is file for an easement with the Tahoe National Forest, as El Dorado County did in about 2012. Contrary to popular belief, El Dorado County  did not assert their RS 2477 rights to the portion of the Rubicon Trail, but rather petitioned the Forest Service for an easement and manages that portion of the trail through a Special Use Road Permit. CORVA was part of the easement process and the appeal process that led to the historic agreement by all appellants, including CBD and other anti-access groups, that led to the Rubicon Trail being open 24/7, with few exceptions. 

    The Sustainable Outdoor Recreation Collaborative held a meeting on April 17th, and the Grants Manager Jenn Grady of the OHV Trust Fund for the OHMVR Division gave a presentation about the grants, the history of the grants and stressed how no other recreation community grants money solely derived from it's own activity for use by federal, county and city entities to management off-road recreation on public land. She stressed how the OHMVR Division defines off-road travel, including travel by street-legal vehicles on dirt or native surface roads. 

    Depending on trail conditions, most forests have lifted their winter closures, or will be lifting them shortly. Some trails, like the Dusy-Ershim Trail or Barrett Lake Trail have further restrictions, and open when trail conditions are optimum for travel.

    The Forest Service Pacific Southwest has released a 'Broader Scale Monitoring Strategy: The rule complies with criteria in the 2012 Forest Planning Rule: It enables interested parties to review the results of the monitoring in their favorite forests. 

    State Parks

    Prairie City Road and Trail Management Plan (RTMP) has released the response to comments: CORVA submitted substantive comments on the plan, which are attached. CORVA's comments were recognized and received appropriate responses. CORVA was largely supportive of the RTMP which provides for expansion opportunities for all forms of motorized recreation. 

    The OHMVR Commission met for a tour of Carnegie SVRA, symbolically in support of the Carnegie General Plan, and an upcoming vote to approve in the general plan which will take place in October. Originally, the vote was planned to take place next month, but the vote has been delayed because the General Plan was not yet ready for public release. With the change in dates for the release of the Carnegie General Plan, the upcoming OHMVR Commission meeting and tour on May 15/16 will take place at Oceano Dunes SVRA. Many people have requested the OHMVR Commission meet and tour at Oceano, and I plan to attend.

    The red sticker season comes to an end at many of the SVRA's on April 30th. This is the last year that will have a red sticker season. Per the CARB changes in 2019, all non-emission compliant motorcycles model year 2021 and older will be treated as greensticker vehicles, and there will no longer be a red-season season. These bikes may receive either red or green stickers upcon renewal of their registration with DMV, until DMV uses up all their stock of redstickers. There have been some non-emission  compliant dirt bikes model year 2022 and newer who have received greensticker registrations since the CARB changes. It is unknown how access to the SVRA's will be handled with these bikes - some of the employees may check to see if a 'C' or '3' is in the 8th position of the VIN and deny entry in compliance with the CARB ruling, other employees may not check. 


    This is the most current report from the coalition lobbyist, Mark Smith and his staff in regards to the bills ORVLC (Off-Road Vehicle Legislative Coalition) is following: THere are no significant changes to SB 708 (Jones), the motorcycle competition sticker bill that is being closely watched by the OHV community. 

    Please contact me with any questions!

    Managing Director
    California Off-Road Vehicle Association

  • April 17, 2024 3:41 PM | Bruce Brazil (Administrator)


    California Off-Road Vehicle Association

    Board of Directors Annual Meeting, APR. 19-20, 2024

    Visalia Marriott at The Convention Center, Visalia, CA

    MEET n GREET, April 19th, 2024

    6:00pm – 8:00pm:  Welcome to CORVA’s Hospitality Reception, Mt. Whitney Room, 8th floor in the Visalia Marriott at The Convention Center, Visalia, CA..

    Drop in and meet members of the CORVA Board of Directors and fellow CORVA members. Pizza for those who preregistered and paid on CORVA website, required. This is a BYOB event.

    CORVA ANNUAL MEETING,  April 20th, 2024

    8:00am – 9:00am: Registration starts for members in the Marriott Ballroom, 1st Floor, & on Zoom.

    If you plan to vote either in person or by Zoom you must register.

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 862 1283 9875
    Passcode: 879360

    9:00am – 9:15am: President opens meeting, takes Roll Call and establishes quorum.

    9:15am – 9:30am:  Keynote Speaker:  Director Armando Quintero:  Director of the California Department of Parks and Recreation. (Zoom)

    9:30am – 9:40am: Ted Cabral:  President of the PWORA: Post Wildfire Off Road Alliance, (in person)

    9:40am – 10:20am: Roger Salazar:  Chair of the OHMVR Commission, (maybe in person),  and Katie Metraux:  OHV Access Project, (Zoom).

    10:20am - 10:30am: BREAK

    10:30am - 10:50am: Neil Hamada/BLM, (Zoom)

    10:50am - 11:10am: Rich Klein:  Board of Directors for ORMHOF, (in person).

    11:10am - 11: 30am Kevin Woods:  Sierra National Forest OHV/OSV manager, (in person).

    11:30am - 11:50am: Recorded interview with Joe Chavez:  USFS

    11:50am - 12.00pm: President recesses meeting for lunch.

    12:00 Noon: Box lunch for all prepaid members and guests.

    1:15pm – 1:25pm:  Presentation, Past President’s Award:  Jim Woods.

    1:25pm – 2:15pm: Board of Directors deliberation, 2023 CORVA Awards.

    Business Items:

    2:15pm – 3:00pm: Voting for CORVA Board of Directors positions.

    • VP Administration

    • VP Education

    • Treasurer

    Nominations taken from the floor for all positions, candidates present qualifications, Q & A period, voting follows.

    3:00-5:00: Business / Budget / Income vs. Expenses

    5:00: Adjourn meeting.

    6:00pm: Dinner at Sequoia Brewing Company Visalia, 124 W Main St, Visalia

    Eat and drink with fellow CORVA members, and CORVA Board of Directors.

    $45.00 a person, free drink ticket. Preregistration and payment on CORVA website required.

    Next CORVA Monthly Meeting

    Tuesday, May 28, 2024

  • March 26, 2024 11:03 AM | CORVA Administrator (Administrator)
    Department of Natural Resources

    According to the updated figures presented in the 30x30 website:, California now has conserved 24.41% towards the total goal of conserving 30% of the landmass in California. This is up almost 1% from the time the initiative began in 2020, and is attributed to the increase in conservation easements. What will be interesting to see in the Governor's May Revise budget, is how much money is allocated in the budget towards these efforts considering the predicted deficit of $58 billion, projected by the Legislative Analyst's Office:,weakness%20relative%20to%20those%20estimates. Many people are concerned with the 30x30 initiative, which CORVA is watching very closely. Reading the February 2024 newsletter: 2024 newsletter, the projects that are being highlighted are still within the category of conservation easements. 

    One of the biggest threats to OHV recreation lies in the creation and/or expansion of National Monuments in California. There are existing proposals to expand and/or create new National Monuments, and the new Resources Agency Deputy Secretary of Biodiversity and Habitat Meghan Hertel is promoting a number of these proposals. Today it was announced the US Supreme Court has rejected a pair of cases that would have called into question the ability of a sitting president to use the 1906 Antiquities Act to unilaterally create National Monuments through proclamation: Representatives of the logging industry were seeking a review of the Antiquities Act in an attempt to limit the scope of monument declarations. Logging industry advocates will now turn to Congress for assistance. 

    The next meeting of the California Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force is scheduled for April 4th, with tours available on April 5. I will participate in Zoom on April 4th: The Treatment Dashboard is constantly changing and does show ongoing projects related to wildfire preparation:

    California State Parks

    The next OHMVR Commission meeting is scheduled for mid-May with an OHMVR Commission tour of Carnegie SVRA, and an OHMVR Commission meeting held in a nearby area. This meeting will be in support of the proposed Carnegie General Plan. CORVA submitted substantive comments on the draft Carnegie General Plan, which are attached. The late July meeting of the OHMVR Commission will be held in the San Diego area, in support of the 3rd OHV Safety Summit. The last 2 meetings of the OHV Safety Summit were held in the Sacramento area, and this year the state wanted to encourage more people from Southern California to attend. The meeting is being planned as an OHMVR Commission Workshop July 31st, with a full OHMVR Commission meeting to be held on August 1st. These dates are subject to change until they are finalized and released to the public. There was a lot of pressure to hold a meeting of the OHMVR Commission at Oceano Dunes during the summer, but that meeting is now being tentatively scheduled for October 2024. 

    Three members of the OHMVR Commission have been reappointed by Governor Newsom - Kat Anderson, Tommy Randle and Roger Salazar: Commissioner Diane Ross-Leech's term is also up for reappointment by the Speaker of the Assembly, but no information has yet been released to indicate that she has been reappointed. 

    The OHV Trust Fund Grant proposals are now live for public comment, until May 6, 2024. Please go to the following link: to either read the public comments that have been submitted or to submit a public comment. We are waiting for the May Revise of Governor Newsom's budget to ensure that $30 million was restored to the grants fund. WHen the budget was initially released, the allocation for the OHV Trust Fund grants only totaled $1 million. But the OHMVR Division Grants department has taken applications for grants under the assumption that the total in the grants fund will be restored to $30 million. 

    California State Parks Safety Week started last Saturday on March 23rd, and continues through March 31st. Safety Week includes the ability to sign up for free training classes for dirt bikes, ATV's and SxS's. There is a new online version of the OHV Adventure Map:OHV Adventure Map which has extensive GIS capability to review OHV areas offered from state, federal, county and city agencies, including what types of vehicles are allowed on trails. 

    Carnegie SVRA - Tesla Rd access is still closed, the only access to Carnegie is through Corral Hollow Rd. A number of the trails are closed for maintenance, The Carnegie Advisory Team meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 4:30pm by teams. Information is on the website: Hollister Hills - The Renz and Adobe Ranches in the Lower Ranch and Hudner Ranch are closed due to wet weather. 

    For anyone curious about the section of the California Vehicle Code governing the use and registration of off-highway vehicles, it is easily accessible through:

    Forest Service

    The upcoming meeting of the Sustainable Outdoor Recreation Collaborative has been scheduled as a hybrid meeting on April 17th, at the Moss Federal Building in downtown Sacramento. Zoom login information will also be distributed. A number of Region 5 decision-makers will be in attendance at this meeting and I will attend in person. Issues that will be discussed include data collection, and how the data is applied to recreation opportunities in Region 5 forests. The northern California forests with mandated wet weather closures are getting ready to lift their native surface road closures during the next month. As weather changes through April, please go to the forest website or call the District Ranger office to determine the extent of the road and trail closures. 


    Please see the latest bill tracker report for this week: ORVLC Bill Tracker. There are a number of bills the ORVLC lobbyist, Mark Smith has identified for the coalition to act upon or watch including:

    SB 708 (Jones) : competition sticker bill

    SB 903 (Skinner) : this bill concerns PFA's, otherwise known as 'forever chemicals'. This bill would take the prohibition of use of the chemicals into the manufacturing realm, and make it difficult to near impossible to manufacture everything from boats to off-road vehicles. The Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association, a division of the Motorcycle Industry Council is opposing this bill in conjunction with a coalition put together by the American Chemistry Council. There will be a coalition bill the ACC is putting together and seeking partners. 

    Important Dates

    March 26, 2024: Recreate Responsibly Zoom Meeting

    April 4/5 2024: California Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force meeting Southern California

    April 16, 2024: Carnegie Advisory Team Meeting

    April 17, 2024: Sustainable Outdoor Recreation Collaborative with Forest Service Region 5, hybrid meeting 

    April 19, 2024: evening reception, CORVA Annual Meeting

    April 20, 2024: CORVA Annual Meeting

    April 21, 2024: rescheduled Carnegie Visitor Appreciation Day

  • March 15, 2024 9:17 AM | Bruce Brazil (Administrator)


    Dear CORVA Membership:

    There are a few updates to the preliminary meeting notice:

    ( )

    Registration is now active on the CORVA website EVENT section:

    Rooms at the Marriott must be booked by Apr. 12th to get the discounted rate. That is the last date that the block of rooms that are being held for CORVA can be guaranteed.

    The lunch options have been decided on. There is a choice of Box Lunches, California Turkey Wrap and Ham and Swiss Wrap, $25 each. They come with chips, whole fruit, cookie, and either soda or bottled water. Be sure to log into the website EVENT by Apr. 6 to pre-order any or all Fri. Meet & Greet Pizza, Sat. Lunch, Sat. Dinner.

    The current list of Guest Speakers is:

    Keynote Speaker: Armondo Quintero: director of the California Department of Parks and Recreation.

    Ted Cabral: President of the PWORA: Post Wildfire Off Road Alliance

    Roger Salazar: Chair of the OHMVR Commission and Katie Metraux, OHV Access Project. 

    Neil Hamada: BLM

    Rich Klein: Board of Director for ORMHOF

    Kevin Woods: Sierra National Forest OHV/OSV manager

    Interview with Joe Chavez: FS


    In person and online voting will be available. Sign into the Zoom meeting by 2:15pm, the agenda item for board positions will start.

    The ZOOM invitation, meeting agenda, hospitality room and meeting room locations, and voting instructions will be sent out a few days before the annual meeting.

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