California Off-Road Vehicle Association
  • CORVA members riding quads
  • CORVA members jeep lineup
  • CORVA members riding dirt bikes
  • CORVA members driving jeeps
  • July 02, 2018 10:45 AM | CORVA Administrator (Administrator)
    CORVA's Amy Granat testifies before the US Congress Subcommittee on access to public land:


    • To examine how Forest Service policies affect access to public lands, as well as the impacts of road closures on nearby communities.


    • The Forest Service manages nearly 200 million acres of land across the United states, most of which is located in the West.
    • Congress directed the Forest Service to manage the land it administers for multiple use, including “recreation, livestock grazing, and wildlife and fish habitat.” Unfortunately, the Forest Service has closed roads and restricted access to public lands that should be open to the public.
    • The trend towards road closures and restricting access to Forest Service lands impacts local governments, small-town economies, and the way of life for many Americans who live near Forest Service land.

    Witnesses and testimonies

    Name Title Organization Panel Document
    The Honorable Kerry White Representative Montana House of Representatives
    Mr. Bill Harvey Commission Chair Baker County, Oregon
    Ms. Amy Granat Managing Director California Off-Road Vehicle Association
    Mr. Jim Furnish Consulting Forester



  • June 04, 2018 12:48 PM | CORVA Administrator (Administrator)

    We need your help! The Mendocino Coast Park and Recreation District is in the process of determining the feasibility of developing an Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) park to be located in Mendocino County. The proposed park is approximately 480 acres and could facilitate a range of off-road opportunities. As a member of CORVA, and with the support of the CORVA Board of Directors we would like to ask you your opinions and perceptions about the potential elements of the park that should be considered.  There are also a few questions about CORVA, and how we are meeting your needs and expectations. 

    This survey is not a sales or solicitation, and your responses are anonymous and remain confidential. When you submit your completed survey, and if you opt in by providing your e-mail address we will enter you in a random drawing to win a $200.  Thank you very much for your participation. To start the survey click on the link below. 

  • May 28, 2018 9:05 PM | CORVA Administrator (Administrator)

    The Ongoing Oceano Dunes SVRA, Pismo State Beach Travesty
    Special to the CORVA ORIA by local resident Lyndi Love-Haning


    The fight to keep the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area (ODSVRA) open has been going on for decades. Secret meetings, numerous lawsuits, political corruption combined with a suspicious cast of characters have defined this constantly evolving drama. The ongoing saga would be the perfect plot for a fictional drama.

    Unfortunately, this is a reality that we, as off-roaders, can no longer sit back and watch. Closure of the dunes, or portions of the dunes is not good management and this situation is in dire need to be managed. As fellow off-roaders, this issue must be near and dear to everyone’s hearts and minds!

    This is the current battle: ODSVRA vs. a handful of rich and retired residents living in a new million-dollar subdivision on a mesa downwind of Pismo State Beach and Oceano Dunes SVRA. These ‘red shirts literally wear red shirts to represent the color of the air alert on the San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control District (APCD) website when there is a bad air quality day. The red shirts’ main claim is that OHV activity has destroyed vegetation that existed in 1930 and furthermore claim vehicles break up fine crust that forms on the dunes, resulting in the park being more emissive than other areas. The red shirts say that increased emissivity results in particulate matter smaller than 10 microns (PM10) steadily blowing into their homes and lungs, causing pulmonary issues

    There are many flaws with this theory, but here are the main problems:

    1)    After millions of tax dollars spent and a decade of studies, the actual percentage of emissions caused by OHV activity has not been identified. 2)    Off -shore sources of emissions have been identified but largely ignored. This calls into question whether the OHV park is a major source of emissions or simply a path between offshore sources and the Mesa. 3)    The data being used to create emissions modeling is from 2013 and has not been updated with information collected over the past 5 years. The model has also not been tested or validated as appropriate to use in this manner 4)    Most complaints come from residents living in homes surrounded by agricultural fields, ongoing construction, dirt roads and open sand sheets. In fact, the Specific Plan and Environmental Impact report for the master planned community at issue warned that ongoing construction activities would cause significant air quality issues to residents. 5)    Most of the people complaining of health issues related to air quality have moved to the area within the last 10 years and have no proof that what they are experiencing is not related to pre-existing conditions. 6)    The red shirts initially complained of crystalline silica, a small particulate matter that causes lung cancer. Crystalline silica was tested for on many separate occasions by the APCD and State Parks. The samples were tested in accordance to OSHA standards and were all found to not exceed limits. The red shirts quickly changed their complaint to any particulate matter smaller than 10 microns.

    Larry Allen, former Air Pollution Control Officer or executive director of the APCD is anti-OHV. Against the APCD Board and a special expert’s advice, he triggered a nuisance abatement process with the APCD Hearing Board claiming that the ODSVRA constituted an air quality emergency, even though the APCD had previously agreed to continued development on the Nipomo Mesa, classifying it as a low health risk.

    As a result, State Parks and the APCD came to an agreement requiring a 50% reduction in emissions. This agreement, a Stipulated Draft Order, helped the parties avoid an official Nuisance Abatement Hearing which is similar to a trial. After four days of public hearings including two drafts of the agreement, the Hearing Board approved the agreement 4 – 1.

    An agreement has been reached, so why is the off-road community displeased with the deal?

    1.      The agreement says that State Parks must come up with a plan to meet state and federal ambient PM10 air quality standards. This is highly unlikely if not impossible in a coastal dune environment. No other coastal dune environment has air quality monitoring, because they know that emissions standards will be exceeded due to the natural dune environment.

    2.      To meet state and federal standards for PM10 baselines, the target is a 50% reduction in emissions over a 5-year period. To hit this target the agreement allows for continued fencing off and vegetating of riding areas. The area initially targeted is the 184 acres of foredune area where much of the camping takes place at ODSVRA. By September of this year we will lose roughly 100 acres of camping/riding area. With the target being 50% by 2023 with no foreseeable way for State Parks to achieve this goal, we can likely expect State Parks to be required to fence off more acres a year chasing the unreachable target.

    We should all be disturbed by the government overreach we have seen throughout this whole process.

    • As a Californian, I am shocked that a local agency can bully a state agency into an agreement like this that will affect the millions of Californians that enjoy the park each year.
    • As a resident of San Luis Obispo County, I am concerned about losing any part of the $200+ million in tourism revenue the ODSVRA brings into our county. As a Nipomo Mesa resident, I am embarrassed that a few residents have tarnished the reputation of all Mesa residents.
    • As an OHV rider, I am terrified about the precedence that has been set that can be used in the future to limit or eliminate OHV activity in other areas.

    This is why all OHV recreationalists should pay close attention to situations where OHV activity is in jeopardy. It might not be a place you ride, but in the future, could directly affect where you do ride.

    If you have made it this far in the article, you are hopefully wondering what the next steps are.

    1.      State Parks will be creating a Public Works Plan (PWP) to redesign the park. OHV riders must stay engaged with this process and attend meetings where State Parks is soliciting public comments on the redesign. There are two meetings coming up. The first is on May 22 in Arroyo Grande, CA and the second on May 23 in Fresno, CA.

    2.      We need to make sure all requirements, like moving fences back towards vegetation for more riding area, Oregon dune like trail systems through vegetation, a southern campground and a southern entrance are put in writing, and we must push State Parks to get the PWP process done swiftly.

    3.      Use the sand dollar cards! This is an awesome partnership between the Arroyo Grande/Grover Beach Chamber of Commerce and Friends of Oceano Dunes. The program is simple. Write how much you are spending on the back of the card and hand it to the cashier with your payment wherever you are spending money (locals when it relates to off-roading, non-locals any money you spend while you are visiting to use the park). Ask the cashier to give the filled-out card to the manager or owner. Many local businesses surrounding the park carry the cards, or you can reach out directly to friends of Oceano Dunes and have them sent to you by mail.

    4.      Most importantly, donate when you can and what you can to Friends of Oceano Dunes (Friends or FoOD) to help prevent continued loss of the ODSVRA. Friends of Oceano Dunes has been fighting to keep the ODSVRA open for nearly 20 years. Friends of Oceano Dunes was founded with the help of former CORVA President, Ed Waldheim. Much of the detailed information available to the public has been provided by Friends. Follow them on Facebook for future updates. Make no mistake, without the efforts of Friends of Oceano Dunes, we would not have the 1,500 acres of riding area we have now. Friends has no paid staff. 100% of your money goes towards keeping the dunes open. Check and see if your employer has a donation matching program. Many employers will match 100% of your donation, up to a certain amount, if the organization you are donating to is a 501(c)(3). Friends is a 501(c)(3). Ask about the match and visit today to donate. 


    Lyndi Love-Haning

    San Luis Obispo County, Nipomo Mesa Resident

  • May 02, 2018 11:47 AM | Amy Granat (Administrator)
    A Stipulated Order of Abatement on Oceano Dunes SVRA was adopted by the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District on April 30th.  

    What does this agreement mean to enthusiasts? 

    1. State Parks will create a Public Works Plan that will dictate new restrictions on motorized travel and camping. 

    2. They will implement actions intended to reduce particulate emissions including planting vegetation to serve as a natural barrier for particulate matter (PM10), educating members of the riding public how they can be part of the solution, dispersed riding, eliminating camping in the foredunes, looking at creating a southern entrance. 

    3. It's unclear how much responsibility State Parks actually accepted ad a result of this agreement because of conflicting statements. This statement is one the most disconcerting:

    LeGrande tract, where most of the camping and a large portion of the riding activity occurs, contains some of the most emissive areas in ODSVRA and is a significant contributor to the particulate matter emissions impacting downwind residents

    Later in the document it states that the respondent (State Parks) denies the allegations. But, it also says that all parties agree that the best resolution for this issue is the adoption of this stipulated order. 

    4. This will cost Parks a lot of money. 

    5. Enthusiasts didn't really have a say! As stated in the document, the complaints lodged against the park had a great deal of influence, whether or not they were valid complaints. The more people who wanted to get rid of the park called to complain, the closer they got to the achieving their goal just because they lodged the complaint. It did not have to be based in fact. 

    On the other hand, the people who will be most affected by the agreement had no valid arguments that were seriously notes by the APCD. Their loss of opportunity, time with their families, etc. was considered negligible and/or frivolous. While the agreement was also careful not go blame enthusiasts, the undercurrent is there. 

    Because of that fact alone, this may be the only path State Parks felt they had open to continue riding at Oceano Dunes, but it's really bad for the rest of us. 

    Read the Stipulated Order of Abatement here

  • April 12, 2018 10:19 AM | CORVA Administrator (Administrator)

    Annual Meeting

     April 28, 2018   9:00 AM | Jawbone Canyon OHV Area

    ~ Since 1969 ~

    Plans are coming along for our CORVA Annual Meeting on April 28th at the Jawbone Station. We would like you to encourage any and all clubs, friends and families to attend.  We will be holding our meeting during the 22nd Annual Moose Anderson Day Cleanup.  Ed Waldheim's Friends of Jawbone volunteers will be making all the arrangements for the Moose Anderson event, including breakfast at 7:30AM, followed by the clean up.  Then they will return and we will all enjoy a fabulous hamburger lunch sponsored by CORVA.  After lunch we will invite everyone to join us for the announcing of the winners of our Annual Awards; our statewide and Southern board elections and some surprise special guests.  You won't want to miss this meeting.


    (We will have shirts and all the CORVA Store at the meeting for purchase.)

    Show your support and let's bring in as many people as we can for this special event. 

    POTLUCK DINNER: After the Saturday meeting and elections, there will be a CORVA potluck near the Jawbone Station in a campsite with a nice CORVA firepit.  Arrangements are still in the works, but we will circle the wagons and set-up like we do at other CORVA events.  The menu will include a BBQ of some type along with traditional potluck dishes you are encouraged to provide.  Again, please invite everyone to this special event.  Let's show our support for this great organization!! 

    Starts at 9:00AM

    Business Administration
    Regional Reports
    Financial Reports
    CORVA Awards Voting (winners announced after lunch)

    Lunch 12:30

    Sponsored by CORVA
    Greetings / Special Guests
    Special Awards

    3:00 - 5:00

    Voting for Board of Directors
    Voting for Southern Board Positions
    Annual Planning


    CORVA Potluck & Firepit

    Thank you and looking forward to your support of the CORVA Annual Meeting!

    Your CORVA Volunteer Board

  • March 19, 2018 5:51 PM | CORVA Administrator (Administrator)

    The San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) has the power to order the state to stop operating Oceano Dunes SVRA. The retiring APCD Officer proposed his agency issue a 'Nuisance and Abatement Order' just prior to his departure.  This requires a hearing, which will take place this Wednesday, March 21st, to determine what actions the APCD will take. This could include an order that would close completely the SVRA. 

    Rather than face almost certain closure of the SVRA on terms set by the APCD rather than Parks, SVRA administration opted for an agreement that would allow OHV use to continue, with serious restrictions. Although the hearing board could still issue an order to close the facility at their meeting, this is far less likely with the settlement agreement in place

    We strongly believe Oceano Dunes SVRA must remain open to OHV recreation and oppose severe restrictions that will limit access to the dunes. After the hearing we must all work together to investigate  legal options available. We will do whatever we can to protect our park.

    Learn More

  • January 05, 2018 11:12 AM | CORVA Administrator (Administrator)

    Media Contact
    Amy Granat, Managing Director
    California Off-Road Vehicle Association
    (916) 710-1950


    January 5, 2018  

    Ocotillo Wells OHV Trails Remain Open to Users Thanks to Actions of California Off-Road Vehicle Association

    Court Rules in Favor of California Department of Parks and Recreation

    Sacramento, Calif. – A lawsuit had been brought against the California Department of Parks and Recreation and the Division of Motor Vehicle Recreation by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility in 2013. PEER claimed that the state was not protecting cultural and archeological resources within Ocotillo Wells State Vehicular Recreation Area, 85,000 acres located near Borrego Springs, Calif.

    The lawsuit lasted several years and sought to limit travel in the park to only routes shown on the official park map, a small percentage of the routes actually in the park. The California Off-Road Vehicle Association led the fight against the closures and played a pivotal role in fighting this lawsuit on behalf of the State. Additional organizations, EcoLogic Partners and Tierra Del Sol 4 Wheel Drive Club, later joined in the legal battle under the direction of CORVA's attorney Jesse Barton.

    On Jan. 2, 2018, the Superior Court of California ruled in favor of the California Department of Parks and Recreation and the Division of Motor Vehicle Recreation. Off-roaders can still enjoy full use of the recreation area, while park management can continue to manage the park without fighting a lawsuit.

    “With the recent passage of Senate Bill 249, which renewed the California Off-Highway Motorized Vehicle Recreation Division, and the win of this lawsuit, a strong foundation of responsible use guidelines for off-road vehicle opportunities has been established in California,” said CORVA Managing Director Amy Granat. “While these successes should be celebrated, it’s critical for off-road enthusiasts to continue to advocate for their rights. CORVA will continue to monitor legislation and engage its members to protect off-road opportunities.”

    View PEER Ruling

    About CORVA

    Working for off-road interests at all levels of government since 1970, the California Off-Road Vehicle Association is based in Sacramento, Calif. CORVA is solely supported by members, donations and sponsors. The organization’s primary focus includes working with federal and state agencies to promote off-road recreation and prevent trail closures, while protecting motorized access in California for the people, not from the people. CORVA ensures that the voices of off-road recreationaists are heard and that off-road trail users retain the right to enjoy public land. For more information, visit

  • November 28, 2017 1:01 PM | CORVA Administrator (Administrator)

    ExtremeTerrain Clean Trail Grant Program ExtremeTerrain Clean Trail Grant Program

    ExtremeTerrain’s Clean Trail Grant Program

    Get $250 for a Trail Improvement Project

    ExtremeTerrain strongly advocates for the responsible recreational use of off-road trails and is happy to launch the Clean Trail Grant Program.

    This program will provide eligible groups the opportunity to apply for a grant to fund their next trail improvement related project which could range from trail clean-up, trail restoration, trail expansion, to name a few. Various Wrangler and 4x4 groups and organizations as well as publicly and privately owned off-road trails are all invited to apply for the grant.

    Along with the grant, ExtremeTerrain will provide industrial strength trash bags for collection of any debris.


    In order to be considered, applicants must meet one of the following requirements:

    • Organize or belong to a Wrangler/4x4 group/club with more than 5 members
    • Own or work at a private or public off-road park
    • Organize or belong to an OHV Organization with more than 5 members


    • Proof of your affiliation with organization/club/park
    • Must provide digital photo of trail improvement project
      • Action shots of volunteers preferred!
    • Completion of application form
    • Organization's are eligible once per year up to two years
    • Sign the eligibility waiver

    Grant should be used for the following:

    • Tools needed for trail cleaning/restoration/expansion
    • Food and non-alcoholic beverage for all volunteers
    • Promotional materials used to attract volunteers
    • Miscellaneous trail improvement expenses

    * Only Clubs in the US are eligible

    * Clubs are eligible for grant once

  • November 07, 2017 8:21 PM | CORVA Administrator (Administrator)

    Media Contact
    Amy Granat, Managing Director
    California Off-Road Vehicle Association
    (916) 710-1950

     November 6, 2017

    California Off-Road Vehicle Association Receives Donation from Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame

    $2,500 Presented at Induction and Awards Ceremony  

    Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame Board Member Bob Ham (center), also a CORVA board member, presents checks to former CORVA president Ed Waldheim (far left) and San Diego Off-Road Coalition President and CORVA Board Member Ed Stovin (right). Also included in photo are event hosts and off-road racers Ricky Johnson (left) and Sara Price (far right).

    Sacramento, Calif. – The 2017 Induction and Awards Ceremony hosted by the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame took place Oct. 30 in Las Vegas. Four individuals, who each have at least 15 years involvement in off-road motorsports, were inducted into the Hall of Fame. This year’s inductees included Dave Ekins, Cliff Flannery, Bob Gordon and Bill Savage.

    In addition to the yearly induction ceremony, the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame contributes to an activist organization to maintain continued protection of off-road access on public lands.

    This year, the Hall of Fame made a $2,500 donation to the California Off-Road Vehicle Association and a $2,500 donation to the San Diego Off-Road Coalition.

    “CORVA appreciates this generous donation that will support efforts to preserve the future of off-roading on our public lands,” said CORVA Managing Director Amy Granat. “We will continue to advocate for off-road interests at all levels of government, as we have since 1970.”

    Granat said the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame’s main role is to honor the icons and organizations who have paved the way for the off-road industry, but they are also dedicated to preserving the sport's future.

    “That’s something to be admired,” Granat said. “Not only is the Hall of Fame recognizing significant achievements made by individuals in the industry, the organization is passionate about ensuring that off-roading can be enjoyed for generations to come.”

    About CORVA

    Working for off-road interests at all levels of government since 1970, the California Off-Road Vehicle Association is based in Sacramento, Calif. CORVA is solely supported by members, donations and sponsors. The organization’s primary focus includes working with federal and state agencies to promote off-road recreation and prevent trail closures, while protecting motorized access in California for the people, not from the people. CORVA ensures that the voices of off-road recreationaists are heard and that off-road trail users retain the right to enjoy public land. For more information, visit


  • November 03, 2017 9:39 AM | CORVA Administrator (Administrator)

    Here are the notice and agenda for the Public Works Plan Listening Session for Oceano Dunes SVRA and Pismo State Beach. This is an opportunity for people to listen, comment and/or ask questions regarding a new public works plan being considered for Oceano Dunes SVRA. The plan itself will not be discussed, because it has not yet been developed. 

    The Air Pollution Control District for the county has determined that changes need to be made to traffic patterns in the park to minimize the release of particulate matter into the air. It has not yet been determined whether the public works plan would reduce access to the dunes, but it is a fair assumption. The one thing we do know is that something will change to motorized access, but we will still be able to keep Oceano Dunes SVRA open. 

    It is critical that off-roaders who know the park best attend and ask pertinent questions. 

    The public can email  for questions and comments about the meeting.

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